This post is long overdue. Initially I planned to tell you about sleeping people in China phenomenon in ‘Peculiar things in Beijing‘ No. 2, which I am currently crafting, but finally I decided that it is worth its own post.
Btw if you missed Peculiar things in Beijing post you can check it out here.
So, to put it simply, Chinese folks seem to be able to sleep anywhere, anytime, in any position, no matter what they were doing, or how many people are around them… Their nervous systems must be in a really great shape if they can take a nap so easily.
So, here goes the photo collection:
#1 The sleeping Vendor
Sales? What sales? Time for siesta…
#2 Costa Coffee Guys
Drink coffee and do stupid things faster? Not for these two… Unless their ‘do’ is sleep.
#3 Ritan Park Guy
So I was walking in the Ritan park in the centre of Beijing and just watched this guy casually taking his afternoon nap.
#4 The Bike Guy
I’m trying to imagine how does this go… You ride your bike all sweating and exercising and suddenly you go like: ‘oh, look at this lovely bench, I bet it is confie too, I’ll take a nap here’ ?
#5 The following 2 pics have been shared by Martina, my new Slovakian friend here in Beijing, when we were discussing the sleeping ppl phenomenon here she immediately sent them for the post. You eat or you work – what’s the difference – just take a nap.
Finally, I even found that there is an Instagram account that is called exactly that, ‘sleeping_people_in_China’… đŸ™‚ It is not my account, nor do I know who’s it is, but just go on and check it out, it will make your day: